Enhancing Your Smile With Porcelain Veneers

woman smiling

If you have been thinking about ways to improve the appearance of your smile, we can help. Cosmetic dentistry offers innovative solutions to tackle several imperfections. If you have multiple smile flaws, it can feel like it would take too many procedures to correct each feature, but with the right smile makeover, we can offer stunning results in a few easy visits. Porcelain veneers tackle issues with surface damage, sizing, and discoloration all in the same dental treatment. By securing the front of your smile, this minimally invasive procedure can radically transform your smile.

At your Greenwood, IN, dental practice, we can help you improve your smile confidence today. By scheduling an appointment today, we can examine the nature of your imperfections and design a unique treatment schedule that helps you realize the smile of your dreams. When you understand how easygoing your treatment can be, you can feel ready to move forward!

What Smile Problems Do Restorations Address?

A brand-new set of porcelain veneers can help treat a variety of smile concerns. In as little as two visits to our practice, we can design and place a full new set of cosmetic prosthetics on the front of your grin. If you have problems with dental discoloration due to the lack of tooth enamel, you may not respond well to teeth whitening. In this instance, a set of dental caps can simply cover the front and sides of your teeth to provide whatever shade you like.

We can also help you cover cracks or chips in the surface of your teeth that may require multiple other treatments to fully address. If you have minor spacing issues, veneers could help you avoid orthodontic treatment by simply covering the gap between your teeth.

The Design And Placement Phase

When you visit our practice, we will use state-of-the-art imaging technology to take measurements of each tooth to design your porcelain veneer set. Because each person’s bite is unique, we must create a unique impression so that they fit comfortably to the front of each tooth. At this visit, we will also make slight alterations to the treated teeth to allow for placement. When your restorations are complete we will ask you back for a follow-up visit.

Before placing your porcelain caps, we will carefully measure each one and perform any adjustments if need be. Using a special adhesive bond, we permanently attach each one to your smile. We finish the application by polishing your smile.

Speak With Your Greenwood, IN Dentist About Your Cosmetic Treatment Options

By learning about the benefits of cosmetic dentistry, you can receive valuable smile improvements. If you would like to find out more, call our Greenwood, IN dental practice at (317) 535-7141.